Today is 16th of May.. or 3 hours ago was... Happy Teacher's Day to all my teacher's and fellow teachers.
Can't believe that it is 5 years since we've taken the step to train in this profession. And before we know it, our seniors have graduated and we're sent to all parts of Peninsula to do our teaching practical.. :( Yes, being a teacher means sacrifices.. means lots of hard work. A noble job it can be, but definitely not for the faint hearted.
Today i celebrated my first ever Teacher's Day. On reaching school, I didn't even realize that it was Teacher's Day after all.. gosh see how blur can i get.. then, upon signing our attendance book, a teacher asked us to take a small packet of pineapple tarts as a small gift for all teachers. For once i actually blush*-_-*, thinking "What the heck! I am a teacher?! gosh this is not really happening... Argh!!" but it did.. then, all of a sudden, students came to give us salam and stopping us at the middle of the corridor to shake our hands.. woo.. i suddenly feel unable to comprehend what is actually happening ... but i guess that's all in a day's work for teachers...
*p/s come to think bout it, i did celebrate Teacher's Day in ITS last time.. even help the class to prepare for teacher's day performance :P.. so today is not my first ever Teacher's Day.. but it sure felt different.
Now i wanna dedicate this entry to all my teacher friends doing practical in Kota Bahru, Puchong, Seremban, Kajang, Balakong and of cos Amapang.. May we be able to battle with the monkeysand had one smashing time with our practical. dedicated to you all, B. Ed TESL Cohort 2, lov you all!
Paint their minds
And guide their thoughts
Share their achievements
and advise their faults
Inspire a Love
Of knowledge and truth
As you light the path
Which leads our youth
For our future brightens
With each lesson you teach
Each smile you lengthen
Each goal you help reach
For the dawn of each poet
Each philosopher and king
Begins with a Teacher
And the wisdom they bring.
By Kevin William Huff.
Jia You! and to all my teachers out there, I sincerely wish you a Happy Teacher's Day! i promise i will be a good gal :D
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