The 'bengong-ness' in me -_-lll
In the season of exams, behold, I will always encounter a series of unfortunate events. Some would call it 'Blurrrr-nye', others 'nenek'. Despite being my final exam of my 6 years of uni life, I still can't run away from this curse....~ And somehow, it has to do with keys.
I only possess two (2) sets of keys. One house key, the other car key. But somehow, this two play an important role in my stories about keys.
Flash back ~
Last semester first paper. I happily reminded myself to double check for my exam slip, my matrix card, IC, stationary, before leaving the car. Everything checked, I closed and locked the door thinking I have everything I need dy. Little did I know....... ARGH!!! I left my car keys at the ignition!!!!!
Hitting my head several times out of frustration... tapi apa boleh buat... what is done is done. -_-lll
Thank goodness for the spare key at home. And thank you for Maria her willingness to ambik from home for me... phiew....The Keys from the scene of crime
Me : (weather damn hot, eating at mamak after exam) 'Oli, come lets go swimming.'
Oli : (raise up her hand) 'yay! come lets!' (~inside story~)
So I went home to take my swim gear. But alas.. reaching home, I find find find, could not find my keys. Where is my housekey?
(recall back.... called emm) Result : Donno where.
So I went back mamak, told Oli can't go swimming cos I can't find keys. Send frens back to uni. And am still thinking of the keys.
Reaching home, I gave an X-ray search around the house. No key in sight. Damn.
Suddenly..... Ephiphany! I remember putting my keys on top of my car roof! And scenes of events started coming back..... While I was driving to class, I remembered hearing something falling off my car roof. Emm was telling me that it's just some leaves. And I didn't think of it much.... Now that I recalled. IT WAS MY KEYS!!!!!
bengong2 @_@
So I went to search for the keys at the scene of the incident. Just infront of some futsal and tennis court. Got out and look for the keys. But was damn shy cos ppl playing ball started staring... So decided to get Maria as my partner in crime to join.
Second time looking for my housekeys with my trusty partner, Maria. Still NIL. So we pun balik........
Suddenly Maria recieved a call from Matt. Apparently Ms Shahizah (Drama Lecturer) saw us looking for keys, but was unable to stop in time. So she called Matt, our monitor to find out what happened to us. -_-lll
OMG!!! Can this key fiesco be any worst?
Oh well....
And to top it all, my shoe doesn't match while i went for exam this afternoon. One side slipper, one side sandals.... Big sigh.....
1 droppings: wonder you took longer time than usual to find your keys. BTW, I went swimming, errr and I need my stamina back...badly!
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