
a thought, an opinion, a statement. What says u?


The Day I Made A Promise

Posted by Chan chue lydia kha

*this is just a post regarding some ramblings i have recently. so tune out before it spoils your mood.

Just for the effect, I've now officially been working for the past three months... and who says working is any easier than studying. It is another packet of headache all together. But I'm hanging on there.

I shall broadcast the pitiful state of my working environment to you very soon, so stay tune.

Meanwhile, to answer questions as to how I am handling everything? I'm doing fine. Different environment, different set of problems, different pool of culture.... I'm keeping an open mind here but there are certain things that i believe are beyond my constant reasoning. However, in keeping the ying and yang of a balanced lifestyle, I shall constantly look on the bright side. (*a big smiley grin with sparkling teeth*)

When I made this promise over 6 years ago, never would i picture myself in this situation that I am in now. Regret? I don't particularly regret coming here. Compunction? Away from everything familiar, a little. Attrition? definitely in the sense of how my language sounds like nowadays. But I have made that promise. What seemingly seems like a promise I made dino-years ago. And yes, I will make the best of my promise! GAMBATTE!

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