For all information, i am currently having my last class.... Last class of the sem that is... YIPEEE!!!! hahaa... so a peep into how the class is like... haha.. forgive us teacher (kneeling low to ask for forgiveness)
hmm... what will students do when they have class in a computer lab? take a peek....
all hands on the keyboard... hahhaa... some alert enough to give the the camera a smile...
others are busy reading blogs... or hottest entertainment news in town... tsk tsk tsk.....
now this is my lecturer writing some stuff on the board.. no idea what he is talking about.. but he is really passionate about his stuff... but please put your attention on the monitor in front of him... haha.. yesh... ppl are playing solitaire while our dear lecturer is giving his lecturer..... :)
others are plain 'harassing' each other.. tu la gang sheesha ia nang.... selalu jak buat benda2 censored... (sorry camera shuttle close too slow.. tat's y din capture the actual action :P )
dear lenny is plain happy knowing that our 'astronaut''s status is online... hahaa... see how big she smiles.... eh dear lenny... how is tat connected to ACTION RESEARCH a?.... hmm... she is researching for a future husbandn kot... kekekee... kidding :)
others are just too bored surfing the net.. hahaaa....
and two of those in this pic have just finish running around the class... reason i will keep within the class... while FeL become the rescuer... kekkeee....ok.. that is how a class looks like when lecturer brings his/her students to computer lab for class... i guess... lesson taken, next time when we become teachers, avoid taking students to computer lab... students will usually have lessons of their own as proven by my classmates....:)
2 droppings:
Amboi Lydia.. U take my pic with Maria oo.. Huhu.. Malu lah.. Hehe..
hahhaa... haiyo.. rugi x dpt ambik gambar bena2 action pun... hehhee.. tu baru la 'hawt' news.. kekkeee
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